When we were High School we were good kids and we really tried to be good JW's but somehow our hair and or sideburns were always too long, 2 door cars were inappropriate for service, clothes too trendy etc etc, One evening my friend and I were sitting together during the meeting and the Presiding Overseer was sitting behind us. He leaned forward and whispered into my friends ear, "Get a hair cut or I'll pull your publishers card". My friend who had had about enough of the whole thing, whispered back "Pffft....go for it !"
Another time we had a 50's party and some guys dressed as "greasers" and some girls dressed as "bobby soxers", somebody was Elvis and someone else was Marylin Monroe and another was Groucho Marx etc. The Circuit Overseer heard about it and when he visited the Congregation the following week, said that instead of imitating worldly people and sex goddesses from the 1950's, it would have been more proper for us to have dressed like JW's engaged in the ministry in the 1950's. (there was a lot of eye rolling and suppressed guffaws)
Years later, when the Musician Prince passed away from a drug overdose, that same Circuit Overseer was was quoted in the media as having said that Prince was an approved Jehovah's Witness in good standing. Apparently a JW man prancing around on stage in androgynous dress and make-up singing sexually charged songs is ok but don't dress like a greaser at a 50's party.